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What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy aims to offer patients occupations selected for the purpose of therapy through assessment and let them personally implement and learn the occupations to overcome their disabilities, increasing social participation and improving daily-living competence and occupational ability.

Contents of Therapies

1. Functional Occupational Therapy

This is to maintain and improve muscular strength, control ability, and range of motion, improve coordination movement of hands and eyes, dexterity of hands, occupational competence, and endurance, restore damaged functional conditions, and improve perceptual abilities.

2. Daily Activity Motions and Movements

This is to improve such motions as eating and putting on and off clothes, personal hygienic motions based on personal independence, and movement abilities.

3. Home Making

This is to improve abilities to manage household tasks like housework.

4. Pre-Job Occupational Therapy

This is to make accurate assessment of patients' job-performing ability to help them develop the ability.

5. Supportive Occupational Therapy

This is to help patients recognize and accept their disabilities and adapt themselves to the disabilities to overcome such psychologically negative responses as depression, inactivity, or anxiety and create environment for promoting physical and mental recovery so that they can first understand what functions remain, do something with the functions, and cultivate self-confidence in making participation as a member of society through experience.

Target of Therapy

Occupational therapy targets children with brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, or developmental disability, those with physical disabilities caused by arthritis, amputation, or peripheral nerve injury, and those with mental illness.

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