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Community Reintegration Service Program

To help with hospitalized patients’ early reintegration into society, social worker’s counseling and social evaluation is conducted on all hospitalized patients to offer a specialized community reintegration program that is in line with the patient’s demand and characteristics.

The Department offers the basic program, which is aimed at providing emotional support to patients and strengthening motivation towards community reintegration, and the customized support program, which consists of social experience and career path support. In addition, the Department provides education to patients in period of convalescence and their guardians, in-hospital collaboration programs with other departments, and other such intensive programs. Also offered are programs that prepare patients to leave the hospital, including home life (smart home) experience, residential environment improvement support, and link to community local resources.

The Department carries out diverse research activities and publishes materials to develop such hospital-based community reintegration service program models and to supply them to other local hospitals.

  1. Hospitalization
  2. Initial counseling

  3. Specialization

    • Basic programs

      Strengthen the motivation to reintegrate into community
      (horticulture, music, art, Nanta, web information use, cooking, etc.)

    • Support programs

      Individually customized support
      (Social experience, mentoring, health service support, etc.)

    • Intensive programs

      Intensive support for patients in period of convalescence
      (Education to prepare for community reintegration, family education, public transportation experience, etc.)

    • Programs for discharge preparations

      Support for patients planned for community reintegration
      (home life experience space ‘SMART HOME’, residential environment improvement, link to local resources)

  4. Discharge
  5. Follow-up support
    Link to local organizations (Local health and medical center for the disabled, public health center, etc.)

Community Reintegration Service Program

  • 1. Counseling and social evaluation to all hospitalized patients

  • 2. Provision of community reintegration service program

  • 3. Family and community reintegration

Basic program for community reintegration

Conduct counseling and evaluation for all hospitalized patients, thus engaging in community program counseling to promote community reintegration, including assessing demands and giving motivation

Motivate patients to reintegrate into the community and provide diverse programs for music activities, horticulture activities, Nanta, web information use, and cooking practice, in consideration of patient characteristics.

Community reintegration service program (intensive program for preparing community reintegration)

Provide customized programs that are needed for community reintegration by a patient who is preparing for community reintegration after discharge, such as mentoring, social experience, career path support, return to occupation, and family support

Program for preparations to leave the hospital

Enhance a patient’s confidence in reintegrating into the community by providing programs for discharge preparations such as the ‘SMART HOME’ experience, which enables a patient to experience home life before leaving the hospital, residential environment improvement, and link to local resources

Various community reintegration service programs

  • Park golf
    Park golf
  • Gate ball
    Gate ball
  • Community dance
    Community dance
  • Nanta
  • Harmonica
  • Art activity
    Art activity
  • Web information use
    Web information use
  • Horticulture activity
    Horticulture activity
  • Public transportation experience
    Public transportation experience
  • residential environment improvement
    residential environment improvement
  • cooking
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