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Like other women, women with disabilities experience obstetrics and gynecology issues and go through the pregnancy and childbirth process.
However, there are many cases where women with disabilities find it difficult to use hospitals because hospital facilities are not adequate for women with disabilities or medical service providers lack understanding of disability.

The Department of Women’s Rehabilitation addresses these issues, and has the equipment necessary for women with disabilities to more easily and conveniently receive obstetrics and gynecology care. It provides treatment according to the type of disability.

Prepregnancy Counseling, Prenatal Care

The Department provides counseling on preparations needed for pregnancy, medication, and heredity to women with disabilities who want to become pregnant. It offers regular prenatal exams to pregnant women with disabilities to check the health of the mother and fetus, and also educates them on matters they should pay heed to according to the type of disability.

General Gynecological Treatment

Counseling and treatment for gynecological illnesses, such as vaginitis and gynecological inflammatory disease, cystitis, uterus and ovarian tumor, and menopausal disorder

Gynecologic Cancer Exam

Through cervical cancer exams and Ultrasonography, the Department performs exams on benign and malignant lesion of the uterus and ovary

Equipments Possessed

  • 자동검진대 사진
    Electric Gynecological Examining Table
  • Echography
  • Fetal Monitoring System
    Fetal Monitoring System
  • Patient Monitoring System
    Patient Monitoring System
  • Electric lift
    Electric lift
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