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Assistive Technology R&D Project for People with Disabilities and the Elderly



To raise the competitiveness of our Assistive Technology industry to global standards and improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities and the elderly through implementation of Assistive Technology R&D Project

Open Platform for Assistive Technology


Contributing to solve daily life difficulties and promote self-reliance of persons with disabilities and the elderly through Assistive Technology R&D.


To be a Assistive Technology R&D platform that anyone can create valuable knowledge, and develop technology, and access that achievement based on mutual cooperation network

AT Open platform diagram
  • Coexistence

    AT open people is the concept of supporting a human network to revitalization the assistive technology industry

  • Empathy

    AT open lab is project venue that creates the value of assistive technology
    - AT Open Lab Project for Social Value
    - R&D Project for Economic Value

  • Sharing

    AT open page is an online page to recreate value through diffusion of R&D performance of assistive techonology

Project details

  • R&D Project for Economic Value

    We support R&D projects for assistive technology be capable of having high growth potential in the market based on demand.

  • AT Open Lab Project for Social Value

    We develop assistive devices that are capable of being developed with appropriate technology, that are essential but readily available for persons with disabilities and the elderly in AT Open Lab located in NRC.

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