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Purpose of training

The purpose is to provide training per professional area to Community-Based Rehabilitation program officials from the perspective of persons with disabilities, as well as to strengthen their capabilities and improve their ability to develop and execute rehabilitation programs, thereby contributing to improvements in the quality of life of persons with disabilities.

Training target

Persons in charge of local Community-Based Rehabilitation programs at public health centers in cities and provinces across the nation, persons in charge at regional rehabilitation hospitals, and other relevant persons of rehabilitation programs

Training content

  1. 1 Training to facilitate local community-based programs, such as establishment and use of a local community delivery system
  2. 2 Multi-disciplinary approach in relation to rehabilitative health care services to help understand disability rehabilitation
  3. 3 Rehabilitation training that includes practical affairs-centered information delivery and experience based on the latest evidence-based rehabilitation research
  • Training photo
  • Training photo
  • Training photo
  • Training photo
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