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Occupational therapy is for patients with a physical, cognitive, or mental disability caused by an illness or injury. By evaluating the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, cognition, perception, and quality of daily living activities, it provides functional tasks and activities performed throughout life that are meaningful and purposeful to the individual. Occupation refers to work, play, and daily life activities that are carried out within a temporal and physical·social background across a person’s lifespan.

An occupational therapist provides diverse therapy strategies (change to activity method, environmental modification activity replacement, etc.) that enable patients to engage in an interesting occupation with value. By doing so, the therapist improves a patient’s quality of life and enables the patient to more quickly reintegrate into society by recovering a sense of self-esteem and physical functions.

Contents of the Therapy

Occupational therapy evaluation

A therapy target and plan are set through a hand function test, sensory test, cognitive test, visual perception test, developmental test, and an evaluation and analysis of daily life activities and social interaction.

Customized occupational therapy by disability type and individual

For patients with an illness, including stroke, brain damage, spinal cord injury, and developmental disorder, cognitive and visual perception training, coordination training, sensory modulation, and social interaction training is provided. Treatments and protocols are various based on the patients’ diagnosis. Occupational therapy focuses on strengthening remaining motor functions as well as enhancing an individual’s ability to participate in many activities of daily living, ranging from meal preparation to working on a computer.

Rehabilitation therapy for dysphagia

For patients who find it difficult to consume food, causes and types of swallowing difficulty are evaluated and identified. Occupational therapists will design the individualized treatment plan (swallowing exercise, posture change, sensory stimulation and dietary control, or MMES therapy) for each patient. Swallowing-related neuromuscular activities strengthen the muscles involved with swallowing and help those muscle re-learn how to swallow.

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