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Exam & Diagnosis

As we provide more technical examination related to ears, children and adults can get specific treatment for chronic otitis media, vertigo, and tinnitus.


1. Auditory Test

This is a test to provide a basis for auditory rehabilitation by determining presence of deafness and measuring hearing loss through hearing test.

2. Electro-physiological Test

This is to determine location of lesions and estimate the degree of damages by measuring electric responses of the nervous system to sound pressure stimuli.

3. Speech/Language Assessment

This is to evaluate detection, screening, identification, and understanding of speech to measure speech perception ability and assess hearing ability through auditory sense in daily life.


Counseling with hearing experts is offered to provide patients and their families with programs suitable for the patients on the basis of hearing conditions and speech perception ability, along with advanced information and knowledge through counseling associated with hearing aids and artificial cochlea.

Hearing Aid Clinic

We are to prescribe a hearing aid in proper amplification according to patients' hearing conditions and help them use it without difficulties through continuous management. We also intend to provide hearing aid adjustment training to adapt themselves to daily life and increase satisfaction.

Auditory Crest Therapy

Auditory crest therapy is provided according to patients' speech perception ability so that those equipped with artificial cochlea or a hearing aid can make the maximum use of an auditory sense to overcome communication problems.

Speech Therapy

Together with auditory crest therapy, speech therapy is provided to solve problems related to speech production, correct articulation and language more minutely, and treat problems with hearing and speaking more profoundly in order to adapt themselves to daily life.

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